When cuts occurred in fingers or toes that not treated properly,
this may lead to what is called gangrene. Gangrene occurs when there is an
infection in the injured limb. Diabetics should care twice regarding gangrene
because their immune system is affected by diabetes. Diabetes affects the human
nerves as well, so pain feeling would be affected accordingly.
Usually minor cuts and bruises would not be noticeable among
diabetics because there is no pain, and that is where the danger comes from. These
minor cuts on diabetics may develop to gangrene which may result in amputation
of the affected limb.
So, how to protect yourself from gangrene? Here are some tips to
avoid gangrene.
- Keep tracking your blood sugar levels periodically.
- Your foot is the most limb that might be injured, so check your feet everyday to detect unusual changes or early signs of infection.
- Choose your shoes carefully, avoid high heeled and tight shoes.
- No barefoot walking outside home.
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